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KISSlicer Changes My Infill Extrusion Width

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 18:43
by inventabuild
Does anyone know why KISSlicer changes the infill extrusion width setting as I change the % infill. I have extrusion width set to 0.4 and when I set % infill = 30% KISSlicer automatically sets the infill extrusion width to 0.48. When I set % infill = 80% KISSlicer automatically sets the infill extrusion width to 0.64. I get different infill extrusion width values depending upon the % infill that I enter.

The kicker is that the pop up note for infill extrusion width says "A good default is to make this the same as Extrusion Width..." So if KISSlicer changes my infill extrusion width to some number other than my 0.4 mm extrusion width, should I change it back to 0.4?

Re: KISSlicer Changes My Infill Extrusion Width

Posted: 27 Feb 2016, 15:39
by Giovanni V.
Kisslicer has some paths for the infill : 20, 25, 33, ... if you want 30% KS uses the 25% path but increase the extrusion, a 25% path with a 0.48mm width gives you a part filled with 30% of material.