Setting multiple colours in kisslicer

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Setting multiple colours in kisslicer

Post by papakel »

Hi all I have just finished making a 5 colour mixing extruder an I am trying to set each colour filament to a kisslicer tool number I have managed to configure 16 colours from defining % mixes from Red Green and blue so that tool 0 is red tool 1 is blue and tool 2 is green but now adding black and white I can’t get my head arround adding them to kisslicer can someone please help on how to make black and white appear as tool 3 and 4 with the % mixes following on. Thanks in anticipation of your help
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Re: Setting multiple colours in kisslicer

Post by pjr »

Bit more info required please... but please see if the below helps...

From my understanding you can create a virtual tool mix and set that in the material G-code, so define a material/colour and set the <MATL> (or user-defined) token to the extruder mix (e.g. 0.1:0.2:0.1:0.6:0.0). Do this for all material/colour combinations.

Select the required Material/Colour in the Printer/Extruder map and assign the meshes to extruder in the Extruder Mapping window.

In the "Select New Extruder and Warm" G-code section, insert the G-code for the new mix (M567 P<EXT> E) followed by the <MATL> (or user-defined) token.

If this makes no sense or is plain wrong, please advise how you would normally change colour mixes.

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Re: Setting multiple colours in kisslicer

Post by pjr »

Report reason: Warez
Reported by papakel « 11 Sep 2023, 14:22

Thanks Peter for your reply I set up a text file with colour % for RGB colour mixes and adder that file to the gcode editor prefix I set the colours to as near as possible to the colours of the Extruder Mapping all colours set use the colours RG&Blue my query is how to add black and white to the primary colours
OK, if you want a proper response, it's not a good idea to report the post. Much better to reply in the thread using the "Post Reply" button.

Again, more info required. How are you doing the mixing? (Example: what G-codes are used - provide a sample) otherwise I just have to guess and that really wastes my time.

If you use M567 for the mixing and you have 5 feeds to the nozzle, then you simply provide a fractional value of each feed in the G-code.

If your feeds are (in order) Red, Green, Blue, White and Black.

Set up your printer to have 16 nozzles.

Create your various colours in the Materials tab (e.g. PLA Red, PLA Green ... PLA White, PLA Black ... PLA Yellow, PLA Purple).

In the Material G-code Editor, define the feeds required for each colour (PLA Red would be 1.0:0:0:0, PLA White would be 0:0:0:1:0, PLA Black would be 0:0:0:0:1, PLA Purple may be 0.4:0:0.4:0.2:0 etc.).

In the Printer/Extruder Mapping, assign the colours to each extruder (E1: PLA Red, E2: PLA Green ... E4: PLA White, E5: PLA Black ... E15: PLA Yellow, E16: PLA Purple)

Open the printer G-code Editor, go to "Select New Extruder and Warm and enter the line:

Code: Select all

NOTE: You will obviously require more G-code than this one line, but this is the line which will define the colour feed ratios.

When you load a model, open the mesh to extruder map and set the relevant colour extruder for each mesh.

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Re: Setting multiple colours in kisslicer

Post by papakel »

Hi Peter I am sorry about my incorrect form of reply, I am not up to speed with forum talk. I will try to explain, I have setup kiss with 12 extruders it does not let me add more and my Printer has a single extruder nozzle with 5 filaments fed into it, when I use kiss and load a model the extruder mapping window appears extruder 1 is blue 2 is green and 3 is red seemingly by default and then in the gcode editor I have pasted the following text file onto the end of the prefix window:

; Yellow
M163 S0 P5 //% blue
M163 S1 P0 //% red
M163 S2 P5 //% green
M164 S3 // Save as tool 3

; Violet
M163 S0 P20
M163 S1 P5
M163 S2 P75
M164 S4

; Ocean
M163 S0 P83
M163 S1 P17
M163 S2 P0
M164 S5

; Dark Blue
M163 S0 P60
M163 S1 P15
M163 S2 P25
M164 S6

;Dark Green
M163 S0 P35
M163 S1 P60
M163 S2 P5
M164 S7

M163 S0 P25
M163 S1 P50
M163 S2 P25
M164 S8

;Pale Yellow
M163 S0 P0
M163 S1 P60
M163 S2 P40
M164 S9

; Violet
M163 S0 P30
M163 S1 P5
M163 S2 P65
M164 S10

; Cyan
M163 S0 P75
M163 S1 P25
M163 S2 P0
M164 S11"

these mixes as near as I can to match the default colours in the mapping windows and this seemed to work for my Diamond hotend with 3 rgb filaments . all this may or may not be the correct way to do it, if it is wrong then I would appreciate help with the correct way, what I am now trying to find out is how to add Black and White as tool 3 and 4 in the mapping window and move the rest of the colours down the line.
I hope that this helps you understand as I certainly do not want to waste your time and assure you that any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Setting multiple colours in kisslicer

Post by pjr »

So, to get this absolutely correct, can you please confirm the firmware in use on the printer?

You have the following tool/filament assignments:

T0 Blue
T1 Red
T2 Blue
T3 Green
T4 White
T5 Black

To set White, seems like you only need:

Code: Select all

M163 S4 P1  // Only White used
M164 S4  // set to T4
and much the same for black:

Code: Select all

M163 S5 P1  // Only Black used
M164 S3  // set to T3
{I am guessing here that the "P" values are totalled and the a ratio is used for the extrusion}

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Re: Setting multiple colours in kisslicer

Post by papakel »

Hi thanks for your reply, I am using Marlin firmware on a Arduino mega 2560 with Ramps 1.4 and defining 1 mixing extruder with 5 stepper motors I have used the aux2 pins and one pin on aux3 to define the 3 add on extruders step direction and enable pins and all seem to work fine.
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Re: Setting multiple colours in kisslicer

Post by papakel »

As to the M163 commands Yes I am aware of that, but my question is how to add black and white to the extruder mapping in Kiss
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Re: Setting multiple colours in kisslicer

Post by papakel »

Hi I am sorry for the delay in my posts, I have been very busy on other things perhaps I should ask what file opens to show the extruder mapping window and can I edit that to show the first five colors by default i.e
in order Blue Green Red white then black and then follow on with the M163 list.
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