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Adjustment to the monotonic sweep

Posted: 07 Sep 2023, 15:41
by Dorje
I have a small optimization suggestion for monotonic sweep that is used by others and that I think could significantly speed up prints coming out of Kisslicer.

Let's imagine we have a torus or any other figure with a hollow in the center.
Currently, Kiss will slice so that one line is drawn, then the nozzle jumps across the gap, draw one line, jump back, one line, back, one line and so forth.

Would it be possible to have an option that would try to keep monotonic but with as little jumps as possible? The current way requires higher zhops and can take a LOT of time if you have travel set to avoid parts (which in itself can produce blobs).

The way I am suggesting (like Prusa derivatives do it), print speed is so much faster while retaining the quality improvement of monotonic sweep.

There's another use case that could also see an adjustment here. Let's say we are printing something like an upside down rook chess figure. It will have multiple small rectangles that are individual islands. Currently, they all get printed one line at a time. The way I suggest could recognize islands and print each one sequentially while keep monotonic sweep in action - thus again speeding up printing and reducing blobs/stringing.