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Three feature requests (object cancellation tags, QOI thumbnails, positioning on the bed)

Posted: 11 May 2023, 09:37
by Dorje
I am wondering if there would be a chance for three modifications to the code (in order of importance for your's truly ;) )

1. Object cancellation tags - these have become more and more common nowadays and firmware can help us cancel an object that started failing during print. Could you consider adding such tags to the gcode to make object cancellation possible? I would imagine making it compatible with what PrusaSlicer or Orca does is enough, but in my case - Ideally I'd like it work with RRF (my firmware of choice :) )
2. QOI snapshots of the bed - Most firmwares now support displaying a small image of what is supposed to get printed - also at the file selection stage. QOI is most often used. Would it be possible for Kisslicer to get that too? It's a major quality of life improvement for the users who might have more than one file on their printer storage.
3. Could we get one more hotbed positioning option where objects would first be positioned around the center of the table? The idea here would be to first get the center filled out with extra space on the outside (to offset temp drops around the edges of the bed)?

Thanks! :)

Re: Three feature requests (object cancellation tags, QOI thumbnails, positioning on the bed)

Posted: 11 May 2023, 11:56
by pjr

I have passed on your requests.

However, FWIW, here are my comments (not particularly serious comments though):

1. Sounds like a good idea, but I haven't seen it in action (although Prusa is trying this out)
2. Please No. That is such a PITA. I select the file, press the "Start Print" button and go back to work. Then 10 minutes later, I happen to notice that there is a screen with a pretty awful image with yet another "Start Print" button.
3. Not sure this will be of much use. Quite a few printers are upcoming with modular bed heaters; your suggestion will not be of much use to us that have them...


Re: Three feature requests (object cancellation tags, QOI thumbnails, positioning on the bed)

Posted: 11 May 2023, 12:04
by Dorje

Ad 1. it works on klipper and duet perfectly. saves a lot of time and filament in case it's a problematic part that might break other parts in some situations.
Ad 2. Again this depends on the printer. If you look at klipper or duet - what you described is not an issue and it's merely helping you see what gets printed, but this is not that big of an issue to me. It would still be nice to see since others are doing it (like Simplify3D 5.1 just announced).
Ad 3. I have to disagree with your point here. The use is that you stop using the borders of the print bed which might not be as warm as the center and risk items getting lifted (with more tricky materials). And not every printer will have modules. Many projects like Voron, VzBot, RatRigs don't have (and might not get) modular beds, so in this way - you are alienating that group of users or are forcing them away from Kisslicer and into using other slicers that start from the center and go out.

Re: Three feature requests (object cancellation tags, QOI thumbnails, positioning on the bed)

Posted: 12 May 2023, 09:24
by pjr
I do agree with the points you make, especially if they (especially point 2) can be optionally implemented.

I do like the auto-arrange feature, but occasionally it can have issues and I see a tendency to arrange parts in somewhat triangular manner, so some sort of semi-manual arrangement would be ideal.

In any event, it's not my call as mentioned, I have passed your requests on.


Re: Three feature requests (object cancellation tags, QOI thumbnails, positioning on the bed)

Posted: 12 May 2023, 13:34
by Dorje
Excellent. Thanks for passing it on and engaging in a discussion :)
So rare these days ;)