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using Kisslicer with Powerspec Ultra 3D

Posted: 23 Aug 2016, 10:47
by Atomsk
I've used Kisslicer with both a PolyPrinter and a Kossel delta robot. Now, I've got myself a Powerspec Ultra 3D, which works quite well. Unfortunately, the "PowerPrint" slicer software that comes with it leaves something to be desired. Has anyone tried to use Kisslicer with this hardware, or does anyone know if the Powerspec is a clone of a Kisslicer-enabled printer?

A little looking around leads me to believe that my printer is a clone of the "FlashForge Dreamer", so any information on that model would help also.

Re: using Kisslicer with Powerspec Ultra 3D

Posted: 25 Jan 2017, 09:58
by triggerscold
I have been using a Pwerspec ultra 3d from microcenter. and its just a flash forge dreamer clone as you stated. the flash forge branded "flashprint" is free and actually works better than what the powerspec comes with. i am much more used to kisslicer so i would rather use that but im having problems with the ".gx" file type that it seems to like so much... the flashprint app does .gx natively but isnt very easy to navigate like kisslicer is. seems like there is some ammount of g code that needs to be entered manually though to get it to heat up and cooldown how the dreamer wants to? thats where i am lost. if anyone knows what command i need to give it that would really save me going between two programs to move and flip parts then another to slice and get the .gx >_< i did try the .gcode extension on 1 print and it was terrible. i will try again today and report back