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Cubepro and alternative hotend (e3d and other)

Posted: 22 Apr 2016, 16:21
by Hugues

I just get a feedback from one of my customer who was able to print with an e3d hotend, cubex adapter and 230 k thermistor on his cubepro machine.

I hope to get more informations or a short video about this soon. I will keep you on news.

Re: Cubepro and alternative hotend (e3d and other)

Posted: 23 Apr 2016, 05:13
by rantzaus
Great News.

But is there a big difference between the electronics on an CubeX and an CubePro?

Shouldn't it be possible to add an Cobstum One hotend with a 0.4mm nozzle?

Re: Cubepro and alternative hotend (e3d and other)

Posted: 23 Apr 2016, 08:54
by Hugues

Yes it sound possible to use different nozzle, but you have to manage the silicing part, on the S3d forum some of the guy manage to use simplify 3d like kisslicer for cubex.

Re: Cubepro and alternative hotend (e3d and other)

Posted: 23 Apr 2016, 09:35
by rantzaus
As long the new nozzle has the same size as the old it shouldn't be a problem.
As I know, the stock nozzle for the Pro is smaller then for the X. As I mentioned in an earlier topic, 3Dsystems told me that the stock nozzle for the pro is 0.3 or 0.4mm.