firmware settings

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firmware settings

Post by diep »


Can you define firmware names yourself somehow, as i see something like 3D system etc. Just a few options.

Right now the firmware here is Marlin from prototype 3d printer (intended for sales). Would like to test kissslicer for it.

Any chances Marlin gets supported in future?

Yet despite its name i first get like 4 popups or more where i need to fill in 100 settings or so prior to use kissslicer.

Is that the case for all users? If i include the directories here in a zipfile and give it to users, does it work without them requiring to fill in 100 details?

Kind Regards,
Vincent Diepeveen
The Netherlands
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Re: firmware settings

Post by hacker »

Marlin should work as 5D — Relative/Absolute extrusion.

And yes, when I first seen kisslicer I immediately new it's a misnomer ;-) but it's not all that scary once you calm down and don't panic. I think supplying .ini-files should work.
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Re: firmware settings

Post by pjr »

Marlin will work as it is a 5D firmware - 5D = X, Y, Z, E and F.

And if you really don't want to set up your printer, styles and materials, there are some preconfigured settings here:

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Re: firmware settings

Post by mhackney »

100 settings? I think not...

This is meant to be informational and helpful to show you how simple it really is.

Printer Wizard - 12 parameters (plus a name for the profile)
Screen Shot 2017-10-10 at 5.14.59 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-10-10 at 5.14.59 PM.png (70.7 KiB) Viewed 6619 times
Material Wizard - 6 parameters (plus a name for the profile)
Screen Shot 2017-10-10 at 5.15.04 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-10-10 at 5.15.04 PM.png (57.98 KiB) Viewed 6619 times
Style Wizard - 2 parameters (plus a name for the profile)
Screen Shot 2017-10-10 at 5.15.09 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-10-10 at 5.15.09 PM.png (48.07 KiB) Viewed 6619 times
Support Profile (optional if you don't use supports or you can add it later) - 6 parameters (plus a name for the profile)
Screen Shot 2017-10-10 at 5.15.13 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-10-10 at 5.15.13 PM.png (52.56 KiB) Viewed 6619 times
That's 26 all together and most of them are no-brainers. Let's look at each in detail:

Printer Wizard
  • Extruders is easy and you should know that.
  • Nozzle Diameter should be easy as printer and hot end makers tell you the nozzle size.
  • Firmware Type two of the options name the printer type. If you don't have one of those two, then either 5D - Absolute E or 5D - Relative E will most likely work just fine with most open source firmware. I recommend choosing relative E.
  • Bed dimensions - really only help KISS make sure your model is printable on the bed. Even a rough measurement will get you started. Printer makers will tell you this.
  • Do you have a delta printer? If so, check the Round and the Origin in the Center boxes.
  • Optional/Advanced Settings are, well, optional so leave them set to 0
Net result: you should be able to complete this in 1 minute.

Material Wizard
  • Material Family - select your type of material here. Easy
  • Print Temperature will be set to a reasonable default, leave it alone if you are just starting.
  • Bed Temperature is probably the most difficult setting of all of the wizards since it depends on what type of print surface you are using. Seek professional help here or one of the many forums.
  • In Extruder - if you are using the free version, this is easy as there is only one option, click it.
  • Filament Diameter is either 1.75mm or 2.85mm. Is your filament thin like spaghetti? Then 1.75mm is it
  • Heated Chamber - you should know this
Net result: you should be able to complete this in 1 minute. If you don't know bed temperature either ask or leave it at the default value and test.

Style Wizard
  • Print Type - pick Default 20% to get started.
  • Nozzle Diameter - you already answered this in the Printer Wizard and that will be set in this Wizard if you set it there.
Net result: 15 seconds to complete.

Support Wizard
Completly optional but let's go for it...
  • Support Type - pick either No Support or Same Material as Object if you are just getting started.
  • Nozzle Diameter - has been answered twice already and that value will be preset here.
  • Skirt/Brim None, Skirt or Brim. If you are just starting and don't know what these mean, select Skirt.
  • Use a Raft leave unchecked if you are getting started.
  • Large Parts leave unchecked if you are getting started.
  • Many Parts leave unchecked if you are getting started.
Net result: 30 seconds to complete.

Overall time to configure 4 wizards and be ready to start your first print: 2 minutes 45 seconds. Don't believe me, watch my video Getting Started with the Wizards.
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