Kisslicer and AMS tool

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Joined: 06 Dec 2021, 04:32

Kisslicer and AMS tool

Post by dadoblu_2000 »

I am trying to use my Klipperized printer with a multicolor tool, in detail I have a FLSsun SR klipperized printer with Traderack 8 color tool, I would like to use kisslicer since it is the premium version, but apart from that I find that kisslicer remains an excellent software better than prusaslicer, cura, orca.
Is there any survivor here in the forum who has ideas that can help me in multicolor / material management with kiss? I tried to slice a simple model with 2 colors but I noticed that the printer starts printing but the tradrack does not move as if on kisslicer some parameter needs to be set that makes the two tools work in tandem, unfortunately on the Github guide of tradrack only the settings for prusaslicer and superslicer are mentioned.
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