This forum is managed in my spare time - something I don't have very much of

Firstly, we have made some changes to the new user registration process which hopefully will deter spambots.
Secondly, we have now allowed guest users to view images and download files.
Thirdly, we will introduce a policy to "prune" all user accounts created more than 10 days ago (at the time of the pruning) that have not created any posts. This policy will come into effect from the New Year.
The logic behind the second and third points is that there may be many users who just want to read, learn, view images and maybe download files. These users now do not require an account to do this. The users who wish to create an account can do so, but they will be included in the "pruning" if they don't post. Any accounts that are "pruned" can always be re-created.
If anyone has any thoughts/comments/suggestions, please reply on this thread.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.