Need Finetune.stl help pls

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Need Finetune.stl help pls

Post by ZexSuik »

I'm new to 3D printing. Came across a working Cubex Duo and have been going through the paces of overcoming it's shortcomings. Recently busted up my cartridges trying unstick the dumb cardboard spool and have come to kisslicer and cubeitmod to get by the broken chip and use other filament. Previously I was able to successfully print a few items. I think I'm sitting at a 10% success rate.

Now, I have yet to successfully print with kisslicer and cubeitmod. First had trouble getting the first layer to stick to the pad (an ongoing issue of mine). I tried printing a finetune.stl so I could get some help from you all. Below are the respective files.

The grossly messed up side of the finetune pick is where it decided to just get all messed up on the hot end and come loose from the print bed at the same time.
20200112_151517.jpg (399.19 KiB) Viewed 2081 times
The slightly smoother side is print bed side.
20200112_151526.jpg (369.7 KiB) Viewed 2081 times
I would greatly appreciate anyone's help in figuring out what my issues are. Attached is the bfb and bfb bak in a zip
(236.27 KiB) Downloaded 128 times
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Re: Need Finetune.stl help pls

Post by ksh_germany »

A lot of work to do :) ,
1st it's i think temperatur ist to high for the filament (print temptower).
2nd your 1st layer will printed with 240° at pla it will be "over" molten an uncontrolable.
3th the Filament Diameter should 1.75, you have 1.7 so kisslicer will bring a Little to much Filament for the print.
4th. max flow Settings 12? i know only 2 hotend that can bring flow 12 and These are not in a bfb Printer (print flowtest)
5th Check nozzle Diameter it Looks like ist a bigger one in the Printer then in the Settings.
6th the lyerheight 0.18 IS unsportet by the bfb Printer set 0.15 or 0.20 <--- that can be "main" Problem.
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