Command Line options

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Command Line options

Post by dcreichenbach »

One of the main reasons (other than giving back to the creators) of getting my pro key was to use Kisslicer command line Slice and exit capablilities.

I haven't seen any documentation on how this works.

Secondly Starting KISSlicer from the windows start menu works fine. The proper .prefs file is found in the Users\AppData\Roaming\lonesock software\ and the correct .ini files are found in C:\bin where I put the executable and the files.

but running a command line and running Kisslicer64.exe from the command line does not find the ini files, even if I'm in the \bin directory.

Dick R.
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Davide Ardizzoia
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Re: Command Line options

Post by Davide Ardizzoia »


This would open doors to KS being integrated into other application (Repetier Host, in primis).

I would like to hear, too, about this feature!

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Davide Ardizzoia
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Re: Command Line options

Post by IceMan »


Not sure if this is of any use but I use Kisslicer with Pronterface instead of slic3r.
Use latest version of pronterface and then in "Settings-Options-External Commands" I put this in the "Slice Command" line: C:\Program Files\Kisslicer 1.5 Beta 2.21\KISSlicer64.exe $s after deleting whats there already.
I also clear the next field.
In this example I have Kisslicer installed in "C:\Program Files\Kisslicer 1.5 Beta 2.21" directory.
The $s makes Kisslicer load with the file you selected to open in Pronterface, placed on the table in Kisslicer.
Then slice it like normal and exit Kisslicer.
Now open file on Pronterface and select the newly generated gcode file.
Yes it would have been nice to have the gcode file to go straight into pronterface after exiting Kisslicer.... but this method works fine for me for the time being.

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Davide Ardizzoia
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Re: Command Line options

Post by Davide Ardizzoia »

yeah, I know this.
I found also a way to change KS setups without actually starting KS.
The missing point is: having a KS "engine" running as batch processing, without the need to load the GUI part.

Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia
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